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Learn Spanish with no Drama!

E- Spanish Lab

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So, who of you want to learn Spanish in an enjoyable way?


This class is for you if you want to speak Spanish with more confidence, getting rid of speaking barriers, boosting your vocabulary, brushing up your grammar, and improving your pronunciation.  See how to have a tense-free conversation with an Argentine performer/teacher.



Spanish with no Drama!  is about improving your Spanish through an engaging and original method that combines traditional language teaching techniques with elements from the world of performing arts (games and drama exercises based both upon authentic materials -e.g.: videos, radio programs- as well as drama scripts and improvisation.)


This is not just a drama class; it is a tailor-made Spanish course that will work on your grammar and conversational skills making use of the world of performing arts as a means to achieving our goal.  


If interested in a more traditional learning method, we can opt for that type of method, too. 



Too shy to speak in another language? 


One of the main problems when speaking a foreign language is that students feel shy or anxious because they are focused on what they don’t know, can’t say, or don’t understand. This is one of the reasons why we believe that learning a language through drama is extremely beneficial, especially because students focus their attention on delivering their lines, hence overcoming their shyness.


Special emphasis is placed on building self-confidence and imagination, developing social skills, and guiding our students to explore different aspects of themselves.


Speaking real Spanish in real life is about putting yourself out there no matter how proficient you are! To learn Spanish you have to be a risk-taker and Drama will help you in achieving that goal by improving your confidence and boosting your imagination.


Welcome to Spanish with no Drama!

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